Year later update.

Soon after I stocked the tanks the drought almost wiped us out. The tanks didn't go dry but they got really low.

I fed the CC's all winter. Right now some of them are over a foot long. That's pretty cool!

A couple weeks ago I was out feeding and saw some small HBG!

All I can figure is the the HBG spawned last fall and survived the winter.

Also pretty cool!

I restocked some more HBG and FHM three weeks ago then two weeks ago we had 8 inches of rain in a matter of a few hours and I lost a lot of fish over the spillway. Yikes.

But the good news is that in the small tank some of the FHM survived the flood and spawned and the fry are now attacking the food I throw out.

I've yet to see any fry in the big tank.

Hopefully the FHM in the big tank will get with the program.

Now a few questions.

At what point do I need to remove the larger CC?

Will they wipe out the HBG over time if I let them get 5 or 10 pounds?