Pretty good advice so far. I would avoid hybrids like the plague. Hatcheries push them because they have to be made, they die off and you are back for more.

I'd start with little fish, many more for the $ and FHM and shiners. Maybe shiner fry. I would hold off on the LMB. Maybe a month, maybe a year. I am doing a pond from scratch right now, and I am putting no lmb in yet.

My ratio per acre is 600 bg, 300 res. 2-4" FHM 1,000. Just under jumbo shiners 4-5", 400. No yp. Maybe a couple of albino cc for laughs. When available for free I'm dumping loads up crawfish in. Then next Spring, a full one year later I'm going 9-12 lmb, FLA.

I also just wrapped a pond where I started about the same, no shiners, 1000 fhm 1000 gambusia and a 800 bg 200 res ratio and one month later fingerling LMB 150. 80 3-5" cc.

Like the guys say, depends on what type of fishing you want out of it. Pumpkinseeds are neat, I'd put them in my panfish ratio but can't get them out here. Good luck, sounds like fun.