An "early" tidbit for 2010. The Jesse West endowment proceeds were used to buy a dissolved oxygen meter. The state agency biologists down in Nebraska agreed to help electrofish a couple of lakes at night so we can throw out markers on bluegill spawning colonies. Then the two students will come back during daytime and measure depth, substrate, vegetation, DO, etc., etc. I'm really looking forward to the results, and we'll be sure to report the results to our Pond Boss faithful. Training good students and learning new things -- what could be better?

P.S. I have NO IDEA how I spotted this under "Quarry Contest." smile

Last edited by Dave Willis; 04/23/10 04:30 PM.

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.