Thanks pond frog for saying what you thought in the face of all of this opposition. I have to admit; I was surprised that there were not more that agreed with me. Don’t get me wrong, im not always right and its still a free country (for the moment anyway). Everyone else was right in many ways as well. It’s not impossible to use an online album. That being said, how often have you seen a forum that has a huge thread titled "how to post pictures"? Most forums don’t have such a thread because the HTML is enabled and it only takes 20 seconds to post a picture. You never have to find a host, open an account, store "pond" pictures separate from other family pictures, log on when writing a thread, then copy and paste a URL so my buddies (that would be the pond boss forum members) can see what I want them to see. You would conclude that’s why there is a huge post pictures thread...because it takes more steps to do it this way than having HTML enabled. Hard things have to be taught. As far as bandwidth and website owner cost? That part was not calculated in to my bubble making process (im standing on my soapbox :)) Thanks to all for your input and opinions, all of you made good points. It’s obvious what I will have to do if I want to share more than an opinion here as much as I dislike it.

Last edited by rcn11thacr; 04/19/10 09:41 AM.

I subscribe!