Welcome Oilman!

Sounds like a most interesting project! That is "code" for saying it sounds tough and could be frustrating for a few years.

I'm in North Georgia and my pond is nearly the opposite - pretty shallow and has so much cover in it that you can almost walk across it on the timber.

But, think of it as a clean slate - you can sink some mighty big trees in there!

Since it was a pit, I bet you can back a dumptruck up to it pretty easily and dump a load (or 10) of big rocks to help with the food chain - probably get some crawdads going in it if you feed 'em.

Since it's so deep, maybe you could get some HSB going with an established forage base - after a few years. Or, maybe The Grand Poobah Boss Bob wants to try for the southern-most smallmouth fishery. ;-)

If you're too scared to throw that bait where the fish are, why did you tie it on?