Green Sun Fish. That is a bluegill cross. Some like 'em, some don't.

I would go to that local pond and catch some bluegill and bring them over to this pond. Many don't suggest transplanting fish from one pond to another without certain processes. But thats many times to protect existing fish in your own pond, where you have money invested and might introduce a disease, weed/water plant, or an off-species (why I had mentioned knowing fish ID).

But in your case, it's not really your pond, and we're assuming that there are no fish in there already to ruin, so to speak.

Spend a $50 to $100 if you can, and get some fatheads to throw in.

Once we know the size, we can suggest numbers. The sooner the better on the bluegill stockings as if you get some adults into the pond, you could pull of a bluegill spawn this spring/summer.

Then in 6 months or even better, a year, you can put some predator fish in like smallies, LMB, yellow perch, or something else.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."