Theo won't say it so I will. Most folks have no idea how hard Theo works. When he isn't busy designing transmodulation valves for instellar transport vehicles he is working on their family farm or raising his brilliant children or tending to his ponds. Occasionally I ask Theo what he is up to over the weekend. I usually regret asking the question because when I hear his list of planned weekend activities I am embarrassed by my lameness. In his spare time (where he finds spare time I have no idea) he moderates this forum, having become the most prolific poster in the history of this forum. Google reports that he has increased google searches by 1.7%, this is caused by lesser IQ'd folks like myself performing google searches in an attempt to understand some principal or term that he has discussed on these forums. He also has the dubious distinction of being the only member of these forums to land the illusive quadruple entendre. I once attempted a triple entendre but pulled my groin in the process.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)