I have only decided to dig a pond. I have also decide to pump the water from my basement into it. That's about it. I haven't even closed on the house yet.
I have been searching the internet high and low and all I get is general pdf files on pond construction. I am looking for personal experiences. Ideas and tips and such. Glad I found this site.
Right now I can only afford 10 hours of equipment time so I will need to dig nonstop for those 10 hours.
The idea about the puppies is great. I never would have thought about it. Perhaps I can use that gradual slope to back the excavator out of the pond as I am digging, sort of like a car ramp. I'm nervous about getting it stuck as well.
Talking to the neighbors the water table remains fairly constant year around. As evidenced by their sump usage. Soil surveys from the net have the water table at 4 foot or so.
Pumping while digging is something I'm not sure how to handle.
Just throw a trash pump in and let er rip or what?
I want to save all the good soil I can because I need to raise the ground around the house about a foot. I figure I can use about 400 yards or so around the house. I figured I would make my own fill and get a pond as well.
I plan on digging in August or so when the ground is most dry.
I would like some hybrid bluegills in it as well.
I welcome any info on this project. I plan on getting a few farm ducks as well. Don't know if they will stick around or not but we'll see. I like the idea of a kidney bean shaped pond as well looks more natural.
Thanks in advance.