Yeah, there is a 3rd of july fishing derby in the works. I think, at least i hope that this part of the conversation will be fairly easy to present...of course your kids won't get eaten. Look @ the movie jaws, get around all the Freudian stuff and see that it is unlikely that a great white will attack a person...unless he is an underage drinker or a boy named Alex Kintner.

The bigger problem is how do i tell them that the bass aren't all going to become pike-lunchmeat...

and further, I would like to make a BIG discouragement of bringing fish in from other, nearby BOW's in the chain of lakes. It just makes sense to me that They shouldn't be allowing this, but I would like a good message to deliver to discourage it all together..the possibilities for disaster are many (disease for one...). The main suspect no longer lives on the lake, but he is the one who put onezey in, as well as the walleye, and i think he put a bunch of crappie in as a final goodbye before he moved away. I think that's just deplorable, personally...but whatever. Maybe making a fine to boost the lake committee's pond management fund for anyone who gets caught would be a good idea.

Last edited by skinnybass; 03/15/10 02:50 PM. Reason: we're going to need a bigger boat.....

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.