A fitting end to this contest story:

I posted the entire story in the Fishing 2010 thread. Here is a excerpt of the story that discusses DIED's use of the Condello prize jig:

03/13, Died goes fishing at JHAP's pond:
I rigged up one of Condello’s jigs with a Berkley gulp minnow. Figured water was too cold down by the dam so we walked up to the upper end where it was warmer and might contain some active fish. On my second cast working the jig along the bottom I thought I hooked a large weed bed, then I felt a headshake, so I thought I had a decent bass on, but it didn’t fight like a bass at all. I was kind of stumped….turns out one of your large bullheads was hungry for a minnow. He put up a nice fight, though I didn’t want to completely tire him out, so half horsed him in, kept him in the water, unhooked him, and away he went. He was one of the largest bullheads I’ve ever seen, around 14 to 16 –inches and a couple pounds, maybe 2 to 3. His head was half again as big as my fist. it did not resemble yer old ancient bullheads, but a younger one that has established himself and grown to good size, beautiful condition and coppery skin colors, very strong and spunky.

So the Condello Jig that DIED wins in this contest gets shipped across the US to El Dorado, California. In the hands of DIED, the jig has it's fishing debut at JHAP's pond and catches a fish on it's second cast.

That my friends is the power of this forum.

And the power of the wonderful friendships that go along with this forum.

Kinda fitting end to a great contest don't you think?


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)