Originally Posted By: cheyenne19
If I understand you correctly, that my results aren't longterm enough so show much and shouldn't be used as a guide line, then I totally agree. What we are doing seems to be working, but there is no evidence to show that it will continue. Jeff spoke with me once before about doing an article for PB about it, he then considered doing his conference speech about it. I'm happy to help in any way that I can.

I should clarify. I think your results are great and are important info for many purposes. I hope they stay long term and continue to be a source of promise. They are a guideline. They may not be applicable to most small ponds however for obvious reasons. I think SEP's much simpler approach (fewer species and plan) may be a better guideline for smaller ponds. I will talk to Bob and see if I can start the process on a joint article with you and Jeff. You should start by writing down a history of the lake. Include a descriptive narrative of the history (family property) and basic facts (size , shape , depth , species , management etc). Also start picking out a few pics that will tell the story (not just big fish pics). That can be the starting point. I will be glad to facilitate the effort.