Originally Posted By: jakeb
The joy of stocking up on new lures even though I have pleany! and a new rod/reel to boot! AHH then a few good days fishing!

It is ridiculous, isn't it? But so much fun. Hit up the bargain bins @ basspro this week, got like 40 bucks in crankbaits to match the 50 i spent over winter, and the 150 i spent last year and never got to use, too busy buying a house. I couldn't even tell you what i got, except that at one point i went nuts picking out jointed shallow-runners. Why? I dunno.

The sad thing is, i don't even have a good spot to fish at yet since i moved. Found a good crappie/bg pond, and sometimes i can get a good white crappie bite in the river, but nothing for the largemouths yet. and i have all this new stuff to play with, lol....can't wait to get up to dad's pond and pull hundreds of skinny bass out. and maybe a giant pike.

I did fish the illinois river at pere marquette state park this weekend, got skunked except for snagging an asian carp, pretty sure i would have killed it anyway by dragging it in, but just to be sure left it on the shore for the gulls and eagles. wicked fish to catch on light tackle, they like to run.

2 baldies watched me fish the entire time, guess that will run out soon as the wintering season is ending. and i saw canadian geese in some mass migration. Wow....so many geese, never seen so many at once, just hundreds of thousands of those v's layered overtop of one another. Guess that's one of the benefits of living next to the mississippi. It was really cool, even with no white crappie biting.

Last edited by skinnybass; 03/09/10 12:23 PM.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.