Some of these questions have been purposely vague, and I commend everybody for not complaining about the fact that I've been pretty subjective about the answers and awarding of points.

But here's a question that you couldn't possibly know the exact answer, but I'm going to give three points for a correct answer, and two points for an honest try, so long as the "reason" for your answer is sound.

I went to the Lincoln Home Builders Home and Garden Show last weekend, and to my surprise I ran into the owner of the mining operation on the east side of the road. He had purchased it from the Quarry owners who had mined the west side. He told me that all mining activity had been ceased indefinitely, and that he believed it would never resume.

I asked him why.

His answer was succinct. It was six words long.

In six words or less, speculate why the mining operation had been terminated, then feel free to add any discussion.

I'll tell you what. This has been the most enjoyable thread I've ever been a part of. It combines all of the things that I love about Mr. Lusk's website.

It's informative.

It stimulates discussion.

It has humor.

It has even allowed for some thread drift. \:\)

Most of all however, it just shows how a bunch of intelligent and helpful people can combine to make this place an awesome learning experience.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.