To everybody on Pond Boss, I apologize for not updating sooner. Its high-school wrestling season here in Ohio and I kind of forget about everything else.
Mason has rebounded like a champion. I'm figuring he weighed somewhere around 78lbs when he arrived here and his last official weigh-in on 1-24-10, he was 90.3 lbs. I'm guessing he's put on another pound or two since then.

He's never had a leash on him since right after he got here. He loves the snow now and romps with the other dogs like they're puppies. You know how they run and chase and dodge each other with happy feet.

There has been no dog fights for a long time and if Mason gets to cold, he cuddles up with one of the other dogs. They like it too!

Mason had a lot of loose folds skin on his legs when he first got here and I couldn't figure out why(kind of looked like a Charpei dog)(sp).It was because he was bone skinny. Those loose folds are all filled in now.

About his teeth being all worn down, he loves to chew on stuff. His eye teeth I don't know about but they still look flat. So I went out and got metal bowls for all the dogs so he has to chew on his hard rubber toys.

When we get time, I'll have my wife post more pictures of Mason. You will not believe the difference. Really nice not having to worry about attitude problems between these "buddies".

Also Anna and Jessica, if you're reading this I will try to get ahold of you this week.

Again, sorry everybody. When everything starts rolling smooth again, I tend to overlook some things.

One more thing, I'm not sure of Masons age but he sure doesn't act it playing with the St. Bernard pup (Stanly)