Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
Ken, looks like the numbers they were calling for before may not materialize... We'll see when all is said and done how things turn out. I know my ride home from training at 9 this evening was no fun. Some guy in a Jeep passed me doing 65 with 2" of snow on the interstate while I was doing 30 and biting my nails. A mile up the road I watched him lose it, hit a guard rail spin across all 3 lanes and slam into a snow bank in the median strip. I honked as I went by as he was getting out of his Jeep looking very angry and realizing what an idiot he was... Sometimes people just need to slow down! 4wd get's you going, but sure don't keep you going straight or gets you stopped!

I had someone pass me in freezing rain once. Some of these idiots thing they are invincible when they have 4 wheel drive. Morons!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.