This is crazy. I took these several ours ago. Since then we got a few more inches of snow. The snow coming down now is very light, and I believe the worst is over. I don't really know how much we got -- but we got a lot. But, as Todd said above, I think it was worse in the Martinsburg area. My son said they've got six foot drifts and just as much snow. We didn't have the winds many others had.

My front deck from the driveway:

My front deck looking out the front door:

My back deck from the driveway:

My back deck looking out the kitchen door:

Even two of the flues on my chimney were covered.

We started a fire in the wood stove, which is opposite the wood furnace flue that is showing. It draws OK, so we've kept it going in hopes that between the wood stove and the wood furnace, the snow around the middle flue will melt. The middle flue is for the gas water heater. If it doesn't melt, I may have to shut the water heater down. We do have carbon monoxide and gas detectors on each floor.

I'm about to head out again. I was out for about four hours starting right after sunup this morning. We'd gotten another 12-16 inches overnight. The driveway is about a 1/3 mile long from the house to the main road. I never did make it out to the main road this morning. The front of our driveway is very steep and I couldn't make it up with the tractor. One of the rear tire chains came off, and I had to find it and put it back on in the snow before I could even come back to the house. I tried coming back without it, but couldn't make it up one of the other hills.

Worst of all, they are now calling for a another storm on Tuesday -- just not as big.

Stay safe and warm.

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