pondfrog, you may misunderstand something in this equation. its a miracle of sorts, a natural phenomena born out of no direct investment nor active management, just a depression filled with water left to its own device.

sounds like rc, and certainly jhap and I discovered something really wonderful quite by chance. we experienced the joy of trophy gsf in unique unmanaged pond situations where bass and gsf had been stocked, left unmanaged, and after many years, the resulting ponds were an absolute hoot to fish, loaded with stunted 10 to 12 inch bass w/ an occassional pig (my personal best lmb is 9 pounds out of the pond to which i refer) and significant numbers of trophy sized gsf. in my case i took some of those monster gsf for my pond and continued to grow them even bigger to near record porportions. as a side note, the last couple years my pond has suffered from severe water loss, and i doubt today i still have these fish, but their offspring, which i do have, reached 8-inches in less than 3 years.

if yer a pond owner who cant (or doesnt care to) invest lots of money or time, but wants fun farm pond style fishing, a lmb heavy/gsf pond is certainly one way to go.....

GSF are people too!