Eric 3 min mark he says no yoy I guess he is referring to bass? I watched it and did not see any intermediate bg maybe one in the net partially seen. Host says early on "now all you catch are 10 and 9 inch fish". I don't think anything else is going on it seems very text book bass crowded from all the info we were presented. Yes taking out hundreds maybe he means bluegill?

My take is yes made for tv and that skewed their take. The ky afield magazine is a good one free to ky residents with license, very cool. The head of DNR was at UGA with me and knows this info is not true if he viewed this. Made for TV and they setout to achieve their agenda to promote the awareness of the overharvesting of fish. They just choice the wrong pond for that agenda.

I might just call up KY DNR and ask about this. I'm making a bigger deal than it is but best example I could find of continual poor pond advice.

Greg Grimes