A big thanks to Pond Boss member "Omaha" and "Dwight" for being such a great help in getting these photos up.


What is the source or sources of the water in Quarry Lake?

This is worth one point for any answer that I deem correct. If you give me more than one source, you can get more than one point.

Keep in mind that none of you have all of the information that I have. So you are allowed to ask questions. I'll try to answer when I have time. Time is "up" when I ask the next question. No points given at all for question #1 after I've posted question #2.

I have spent a considerable amount of time researching the following questions, but I am trying maintain an open mind as to possible outside the box thinking.

No editing of your answers allowed. Once you've posted, you have to leave the post as is. If you change it you will lose 100 points. If you wait to post until you see other members making their posts, you run the risk of missing the question entirely, because I am likely to post the next question at any time of day or night.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.