Originally Posted By: JKB
I can Honestly Say, That I have Never Caught, Seen, Smelled, Handled, or even come remotely close within the vicinity of a GSF!

That said, I may have been a bit harsh on the GSA!

I never thought I would like Squid or Spinach either. But you can shovel it to me any time!

Just wondering how GSF and Roses get along?

JKB, GSF absolutely love roses!. GSF love most plants. But those little green meanies really mellow out around roses. They just love to curl up in a hole and have the roots from the rose bush hug them tight.....they gladly give their lives to be plant food!

Remember, There is nothing any prettier than the scales of 1000 dead green sunfish, glistening with dew (even DMD) on the soil of a freshly planted garden..............Mmm Mmm Mmm