Originally Posted By: esshup

Could he use the heaters to get the level where he wants it then slowly reduce the temps to what the water would be without the heaters? Would that get his system up and running any quicker?

It would help make things move along quicker. I wouldn't do anything too wild, like an extra 5 degrees or so would be a benefit.

The problem is not with raising temps but lowering them. The little bio-bugs Cecil is "raising" will like the 62F temps but once they go to Florida for a vacation they most likely wont want to return.

I did a 20F or so temp drop once. Everything seemed fine for a day or so but it was a disaster.

Maintain your PH, temp's, TDS and keep an eye on the nitrate levels.

If Cecil plans on a salt regime, which would be a big plus. It is not too late to start. Just don't have the tank stocked and decide to add 4ppt salt. That's a whole new colony of bio-bugs.

Hope this helps.