Talk to Overtons and Rainman and others about the success with grass carp vs tilapia for FA in Texas tanks. I believe you'll find GC consistantly come up short on FA by comparison.The warmer the water the earlier in the season tilapia are present the more success youll have with them. The further north you are and have FA get a foothold before you can stock tilapia the less success you'll have.They can have some affect on Chara as far as algae go but dont believe that is a concern of yours.Consider a properly sized aeration system along with the correct number and size of tilapia to meet your goals.Walt is correct that aeration alone will not solve your problem.Aeration is not meant to eliminate FA as many claim.Planktonic algae and sunlight will be your oxgen producer which will give you highs and lows from day to day and season to season. Proper aeration will lower the highs and raise the lows to help you maintain a more consistant oxygen level.I have seen it at best reduce FA but there is no interaction that aeration promotes that will consistantly cause this..I have also experienced GC bypass FA (lyngbya,Spirogyra,hydrodictyon and even calcified chara) without other vegetation in a pond. Others may have different success with GC.Keep doing your research as youve tapped a great source of experience on this site.