READ BELOW: My hubby's question he wants me to ask is how important is aeration in the winter???????
Geo output fell way off, upon investigation, we found out that our pond loops had floated (5 loops / we have a 5 ton Carrier GT-PX system). The tech told us today that we have an aerator in the pond and we should not be running an aerator in the pond as it is causing stratification which caused ice to freeze around the loops causing them to float (our loops are stuck under the pond ice at the surface!
This is our second winter with the system, last year the geo just totally shut down (I had high electric bills with the heat strips) and in the spring 2009 they came back out and fluffed the loops and added a loop.

I do not want to compromise unhooking the aerator that we placed in our pond (for other pond and fish health).