Tried the Gold Minnow Dye today. It did not change the color of the minnow to gold as advertised. Instructions advised to mix part A and part B at a 1:1 ratio in a cup. It is supposed to foam, and when it is settled ready to go. There was no foaming action. My Sgt wondered if it was to cold to activate. We used it in one ice fishing hole only, and noted that even though it did not color the minnow, the action in that hole seemed to increase as oppsed to the other 5 holes in the house. I am going to contact the seller, and find out why it did not work as advertised. Even though the scent may be positive. We smelled both parts in their repective containers before mixing, and could not detect any particular odor from either bottle. This stuff is supposed to dye the bait, make the minnow more active, and have a fish catching scent. One out three ain't good enough

Good morning Dave, I've checked the ships systems, and everything appears to be running normally.