well its been a day or two since we or I have posted. Mom sent a update so I thought I would pass it along. But first finally the weather has cooperated so that we can have our family holiday get together at the house we are looking forward to having Matt and family over. Matt had his MRI today please pray that it comes back with good news....Here is moms updat....

Today is Matt's MRI at 2:00! Please pray - light a cancle, send positive thoughts and energy his way!

Want to share a couple of things: today the bible scripture/verse I read - Is perfect for today!

"The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

Yesterday Matt received a VERY SPECIAL GIFT from our friend in Tucson ~Lisa Nickerson and her family! A cross made by a 12 year old boy, Camden. Here is what the card attached read:

My name is Camden, I'm 12 years old, this is my testimony.

When I was 5, I had a brain tumor and under went brain surgery. During that time I turned to God for comfort.
Psalms 91, 'He took me under his wings and covered me
with his feathers'
Now my dad and I make these crosses for God's Glory. God has blessed us and we wnt to pass the blessings to you.
God Bless, Camden

Let me say - 1st, thank you Lisa and family. Your timing was perfect in sending the Cross. 2nd, I started reading the card to Matt and couldn't finish (I was so touched and emotional) Emileigh finished reading it to Matt. 3rd, the feeling in Matt's room was unexplainable - a peace and understanding touched all 4 of us. The card Lisa sent was the story of 'Footprints in the Sand' - Bob or Matt neither one had heard this before. The messages we received yesterday were touching and meaningful! Thank You!
Matt wanted the Cross to hang on the wall in front of him so he can always see it. Bob immediately hung it. In the next day or 2 I will take a picture of Matt with it and post it.

Peace ~ Light ~ Love, The Hernan's

A little snow, Please!