Originally Posted By: ETD66SS
I'm wondering if someone has any advice on a valve I can use to manage the water level in my ponds.

What I need to do, is have a culvert with a shut-off valve in it. In the fall, I open it, let the ponds fill up, then shut the valve. Then let them fill up with snow melt in the spring, this will get the ponds to their maximum level. Then as summer rolls around I'll start to lose water via evaporation. Re-open the valve the next fall, etc.

I have a length of 15" dia plastic smooth bore culvert pipe. I have been unable to find some type of gate/butterfly vale to use with it.

I have found a 10" dia PVC butterfly valve, but it is $700, and just not the right application for it.

Any ideas?

I have a similar discharge from my 1.5 acre pond in Michigan. I got some help from Agri Drain. They modified a water level control box for me. They raised the discharge rubber boot that fits a 12" CM culvert, to the top of the box instead of having it at the usual bottom of the box. Basically this is a stop log type device made of very heave duty thick fabricated plastic material. I ordered a 2' deep and 20" wide standard box and the modification only cost $25. I also bought an extra 3" high "board" because it comes standard with 5" and 7" high boards which did not allow fine tuning of the pond level. I put this device on the end of a 24 foot culvert which goes under my wagon trail and so far it is working great. The whole business cost me about $450. (excluding the culvert)