I know we're all joking around, but in reference to the site I was speaking of it's another industry I am involved with. It's absolutely appalling what went on there when the owner and mods looked the other way. One of the mods was even part of the bad behavior.

When people accuse you of being a registered sex offender on the Internet for no reason other than meanness, (yes it happened to me), or in the case of another poster someone threatened to come to his house and shoot him, it's time to find another website. The final straw for me was I had posts removed from the fish category and placed in the political category for no reason.

I've been told the open forum where politics and things unrelated to taxidermy has been moved to a members only section now. Pretty sad when that was the owner's response to the garbage that went on, and made the industry look bad as a whole to the general public. It would have been so much better to nip the bad things said in the bud early on.

Trust me good moderation and preventing threads from getting out of hand in the first place is the best thing one can do on a website! I've been guilty of being a little ornery but I think I've wised up in my old age. (for the most part)

I've now involved in another website for that industry, which I partially funded and I'm a moderator. It's such breath of fresh air vs. the other site.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 01/05/10 11:09 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.