Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
 Originally Posted By: Brettski
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus
I think there are at least three of us here with SMB/YP/RES ponds: me, Brettski,and an undisclosed draft pick I can't remember.


YP, RES, SMB, HSB and CSBG...so I dont think I count, quite.

Keeping the BG under control is going to be my major challenge - but with 2:1 slopes therefore not much aquatic vegetation I'm hoping natural predation plus lots of harvest will keep their numbers manageable.

If not, introduce same sex LMB and hope for the best!

I hate to break this to you TJ but steep slopes never slowed down the macrophytes or bluegills in my ponds. You'll be adding those same sex bass sooner than you think.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.