LWJ and ML I thought in the first post that you were also adding TShad and FH as well as tilapia. That is one reason I am very hesitant to give stocking #s. I sure would not use the stocking #s from those studies as in some cases carrying capacity was filled to crowding in a few mths. That is to hard to manage unless you are an experienced aquaculturist with the proper set-up.

Maybe this will help. In the Swingle studies there are reports from non-temperate (no winter kill) ponds where tilapia reached 13,000 lbs per acre IIRC in one year. I will check that to be sure. FWIW tilapia and TShad both feed on plankton so at some level ( my guess TShad and small under 3in. tilapia) will compete for food.

I think ML makes a good suggestion to contact Texas715 for his results and input. I am not trying to discourage you from using tilapia as they can be a very good tool. Just wary of the high rates in the studies and what to expect from over wintering tilapia wrt pond carrying capacity especially in a mixed specie pond.