Very few people have experience with tilapia where they over winter . That is entirely different from the situation where they don't.

LWJ I read the material you posted and will look at the complete study later. I have read many times the Swingle studies and others. The one above and some of the others only apply to aquaculture raising of tilapia for market. While they have good and useful info they are not comparable to a recreational fish pond and especially one where tilapia will over winter. You should talk to Todd if he is helping you. If you want to learn about tilapia start with reading and understanding the SRAC tilapia links below.

The study above so far as you posted does not show any difference with general results between Blue tilapia (O. aureus), Mozambique tilapia (O. Mossambicus) wrt what the study was about or what to expect in a pond.