I am gonna click off year #52 this year. As a younger and wilder Bski, my family was certain that I would not make it past #30. Since that time, God, family, and friends have forgiven and supported me as I straightened up my act (read this as quit drinking and all the related debauchery). Every day that I open my eyes from sleep, I am grateful for another day. Each and every day is kinda like another new year. Add to this my incredible fortune to have Donna-ski by my side. I am blessed.
Now, pile on my continued fortune to have a decent job, particularly thru this horrible economy. I have pretty dang good health. Cap all this with the rewarding responsibility of working with and caretaking 44 acres of some of God's best creations.
Yeah, by sums of 365 days, years are tuff to honestly and accurately rate. I will take 'em one day at a time. That makes yesterday real good, today even better, and tomorrow a crap shoot that I am willing to risk.