Went out and picked up a pressure gauge and installed it on the compressor after the rain let up. I'm getting a reading of about 38 psi with the valve wide open. The pond level has come up about 4-6 inches and I'm hoping the ice blockage is loosened.

After running the air for a while I began to notice small bubbles trapped under the clear ice forming a larger bubble. Waited for about 10 or so minutes and had a break through of air to the surface.

Then a funny thing happened, the bubbling stopped. Then they started again, on and off, while the compressor still had good pressure. Couldn't figure out what was happining until I noticed, through the clear ice, bubbles forming in another area and working their way to the open hole. There is no water movement in the pond other than what the air does so it must be the contours under the ice. I watched this happen for about half an hour and left because my feet were frozen. I sure hope I don't get the freeze up again. If I do I will try the alochol treatment.