Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Do you mean get below 250 by July 15th?

There is a point at which you're losing it too fast.

Let's try something different, since you're taking the $5 challenge.

I give $5/lb, up to, and including the 50th pound by July 15, so that's a MAX for me of $250. Then you give $5/lb for every pound you weigh over 266 at Christmas.

Then the modification is... that I'll toss in another $125 if you find your way under 250 anytime between July 15 and Thanksgiving...then you're still 250 the minute you wake up on Christmas.

I need somebody smarter than me to read this and see what I really owe. I already wrote a check for $250....

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.