I have been involved with fishkeeping (Aquariums) most of my life. Your chief concern will be the external parasites during this treatment period. Next time you hit the grocery store go to the seasoning isle. Get you some salt MAKE SURE THAT YOU GET THE DEIODIZED! Morton and all major brands offer it....it will say "this salt does not contain iodide a necessary nutrient". Treat one teaspoon for every ten gallons of water. Then you want to add a product called "Pond Fizz Tabs Parasite Treatment" this product is made by the Jungle Lab Company. You can order it online here~
Pond Fizz Tabs Parasite Treatment

Or most pet shops either carry it or can order it for you. This is a good product...most of the products offered in your smaller mom and pop pet shops are good! This item is great as it treats both the internal and external parasites at the same time! Skinny or strange acting fish should be thrown back in the water they came from. Good luck.

Bullheads and Carp are the devil~