Well, it has been canceled because of a storm prediction on Wed. But they have to get it done by 12/31. The outflow has to be shut off, law requires postponement if rain/snow in the forecast. Now that we know these carp are seeking refuge in the storm drains, I wrote to board pres. and suggested they treat the drains. We don't want the fish dying in there, believe me. So they should target those drains first to make the fish go out into the lake, right?
The biologist only expected a few carp, there are lots, of BIG ONES. The survey was inaccurate as to the number of carp in the lake. However, the lake was neon green productive when they did it, and they did the whole lake, till 3:00 a.m., I was out there. (OK, they were young and cute.)
There were also more suckers than picked up in the survey. Other than that the survey was good.
Good news is that my camera works. Turns out the sticker on which way the batteries go in is backwards. The original battery was an enclosed unit that could only go in one way. You have to believe me, I am not a dumb blond! In fact, I'm getting hooked with up with an IPod for X-mas with Bose speakers. I can text message too now.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.