Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
I crouched down and decided to wait for it's approach - if I felt so inclined I suppose I could dive in and wrassle the little bastardo into submission.

Am I detecting a theme in your posts TJ? First ninja sturgeon wrassling, now Mink wrassling? I am thankful that you don't own sheep.

 Originally Posted By: teehjaeh57
Within about 10 feet of me he finally noticed something was out of place - namely, me - and he reared up and hissed at me. This thing was at best 2.5 feet long, and half of that was tail, but it still managed to startle me and I made an um, well...let's call it an involuntary astonished expression.

I recognize this, this is city-boy speak for you screamed like a little girl and ran away screaming with your arms flailing over your head. I know this is city-boy speak because I did the same thing at our ranch once. But it wasn't over some sissy mink. For me it was a Mountain Hare, a really angry Mountain Hare.

Great story TJ!


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)