We are located in central louisiana and our pond has been stocked with bluegill, hybrid bream, catfish, and bass. This has been the third year of growth for the fish. the problem is that the bream seem to be taking over. Anywhere you go in the pond, which is about 3 1/2 acres and 20 feet at its deepest point, there is clouds of bream all sizes. After spawning we would see bass fry, but we can never catch any small bass, only bass 2.5 to 3 pounds can be caught. This seems to make us think the food cycle is out of wack. Originaly we only stocked the bream for bass forage. Is it posible that the bream are eating the fry. The pond has ample wood cover, do you think some sort of vegitation would help and can you plant say hydrilla? Your help to these questions would be greatly appreciated.