From the previous posts I figure my main problems for a trout pond will be wastes, excess nutrients (I plan on pellet feeding), Temperature and DO. I have too few locations to dispose of pond to run well water 24/7, but I am hoping the following will be enough. If I do all of these and still cannot achieve the temperatures I need for trout, I will put in YP and SMB.

1. Water flows from the pond to an artificial bog (80’x 6’). From the bog, the water flows into a stream (80’ long x 6’ wide x 2’ deep) and then flows back into the pond. I plan on using a 11000 gph pump to accomplish this.

2. In an attempt at geothermal cooling, the water flowing from the pond to the marsh will flow through 3 tubes of ¾” in diameter buried 5 feet underground. I am also thinking of using a bong chiller (cooling tower) to lower pond temperature, although I don’t know how well it will work. People have been using them successfully to cool computers so I am curious how well it will work on a pond.

3. Sprinkler system waters over an acre at 2” of pond water per square foot per week. This results in at least (56,000 gallons) of pond water removed from the pond each week.

4. As seepage, irrigation and evaporation cause the water level to drop, well water will be added as needed using a float valve. I am hoping there will be enough well water coming into the pond to regulate the pond temperature. I am debating whether to aerate the well water and then pump it to the bottom of the pond to increase DO there.

Do you think this will work? Do you think I will need additional aeration besides aerated well water and the aeration provided from the stream?