Bender - If you don't need to have the SMbass spawn they don't need shallow water. SMB fingerling and juveniles are fairly cheap. Considering you only have a 0.1 ac pond you would not need to buy very many every year or so to suppliment the SMB population. YPerch do not need shallow water to complete spawns and hatching of eggs. Place some brush (temporary in spring or permanent) along the pond edge and YP eggs will be laid on brush and hatching will occur there. Some shallow water will primarily be beneficial in your case to minnows / small fish as refuge and feeding areas.

Depending on the genetic stock of your perch and SMB some strains of these farm raised species in Ohio can easily tolerate water temperatures in the 84F to 88F range. Laggis' (Gobbles, MI) fish are probably accustomed to cool water (high 70's, occasional 80F). Ideal growth rates for most yellow perch are around 72F to 76F. My YP feed well in 80F-82F water. Most strains of YP decrease rate of feeding at the surface when water temps are above 84F-88F. Growth rates of YP and SMB will be okay but not optimum if water remains below 70F all summer.

aka Pond Doctor & Dr. Perca Read Pond Boss Magazine -
America's Journal of Pond Management