Maybe I wasn't quite clear in my post, I'll try to explain why I wouldn't be opposed to relocating a few of the top end bass from this crowded/stunted pond into mine. Let's say you can catch 30-50 fish a day in this overcrowded pond. While you're catching these fish, you fight the urge to take each one, measure and weigh it. First, you already captured the instinct of a LMB to strike, I like the aggressiveness of this fish. Second, plot the results, keep any fish that hits the 80-90% threshold for their expected Relative Weight in the fish box. At the end of the day, remeasure and take the top 4 or 5 fish. The fish in this pond are not inferior, they simply don't have enough to eat. Since a LMB can swallow another 1/2 his size, the food chain is there, for those bass who "think big". It takes high end individuals to reach desired weights in this environment, they are all T-Rex, and probably survived eating their siblings and anything else they can chew on. Now, imagine a fish with that attitude in a pond with a heavy forage base. You don't want that particular fish, you want his/her offspring.

You can't go into a hatchery and hand pick the ones you want...but you can in the wild \:\)