First, I can’t believe I’m disagreeing with Dave…although, it’s the beginner Davidson with only 4 stars, Super Dave still had 5 last time I checked \:\)

Maybe I misread the book, but Lusk’s TLB suggests introducing new genetics every 4 years or so. I would have no problem introducing a few LMB from this pond as long as you feel comfortable with their health and take the dominant ones. You are not investing in the physical fish itself, you’re accepting the bloodline. I prefer stocking an aggressive dominate Bass, I believe this is where most pond owners fail to do their homework.

A brood set from the hatchery can often undergo trauma, they have exposure to humans. They have been dip netted, hate it, and now avoid people at all costs. These fry become evasive from the onset, i.e. hard to catch later in life.

Every LMB stocked into my pond has been taken for genetic reasons coupled with an aggressive nature. (i.e. caught) I recommend stocking a “high end” bass from a proven lake that has a history of stocking Florida Bass…current relative weights in my pond range from 94 to 104 %...and they compete with HSB, Catfish, & Crappie. I wouldn’t hesitate to throw a top end bass from another water source into my pond. The key point I would like to make is, Be Selective ! My LMB genetics are a combination from a total of 24 fish, and those 24 were all well above average.