Shane is now home most of the time. Today he is spending in Jackson receiving therapy. Sometimes he acts as if he is 6 years old. We will see if the Shriners hospital can help him. To clear up what appears to be something of need--The boat that hit Shanes was stopped by a officer of conservation and the boat people were told to follow them to a more larger body of water. The boat took off and tried to get away and ran right over this other boat. The driver was drunk and was being held in place by someone else so he could drive. This driver in a past accident had paralized legs so he could not keep his body up to drive the boat. Shane is progressing well but the head injury may never be corrected. Only time will tell on this type of injury. The arm and hand is what I hope the Shriners could correct. My reason for desiring to not post any more on this accident is not to crowd others off this forum area. I remember that Pond Boss alowed this much and I did not desire to overdo my welcome. I will answer all questions.