Originally Posted By: Rainman
It needs to be said that Nate worked his tail off for his customers on this little adventure! His customers love him for very good reason---he listens to them and puts thier goals first, and then helps make them happen! Our personal discomfort was never considered till after the work was done and the fish were safe in thier new owners ponds.

Nate earns the respect of his customers and never forgets who he is working for.

Thank god there are still people out there who practice the Golden Rule of business. You work for your customer and they are always right.

Somewhere along the line a lot of corporate america decided that this wasn't important anymore. Actually they realized that average product and average customer service is good for the short term bottom line, but in the end it just bites you in the a%$.

Sorry for my rant. You guys are nuts, but I would probably do the same if I was the boss and it was my repuatation on the line.