It scares me a bit to hear, that you have realesed a fish, not knowing what can happen if they get released or run off, down stream.
They will try to get to the sea at some stage, and if they do reach a river, that have a wild stock of salmon they can be a big threat(potentialy) to them
Her in Norway, run aways from fish farms, has iterbreaded/mixed with the wild ones, spreading deases and bad genes.
The government,countys has spend a thremndus amount off money, tying to recover/repair rivers and wetlands that was partly/totaly destrid in the -60s and -70 by acid-rain, and it has been a hughe sucsess, the throut and salmon was saved.
But thru the -80s,-90s and stil going, fish farming has boomd, its now strict regulationes thru legislation, but the wild local, salomon and throut, are loosing terain at a spooky phase, again.

If you stock a dam, with fish that can go down stream, and mix geens with a local habitant, you must see to it that, the ones you put out originates from that particular creek,stream or river.
Otherwise you can unawerly be the creator off a local genocide, that would not ad any cred. to your reputation