I'm still going to stick to my guns and say pondowners should not expect SMB alone to control BLG reproduction (so that some big BLG are produced). I know this isn't always a popular statement here, but I'm "obligated" to make the warning. \:\)

Ok, I just couldn't leave this alone. I "had" to come back and add a bit more. Let me re-word this a little. I’ve got to stick by my guns and say that I have seen no personal evidence and no scientific articles that SMB alone will control sunfish reproduction so that big sunfish are produced. \:\) I’m always glad to admit when I’m wrong, and certainly our truly interested pondmeisters can do things such as trapping/removal, additional predators, feeding, etc., that changes the equation. However, for that base question, and for the time being, I will have to continue saying that I don’t think SMB will control sunfish. We just finished one experiment along these lines, and I'll try to get that in the next available issue of Pond Boss (Mar-Apr, I think).

Last edited by Dave Willis; 10/19/09 09:54 AM. Reason: further info

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.