I certainly did read it; it recommended fertilization without qualification. The extension agent, as I noted twice previously, is listed as a fisheries specialist. I'll go out on a limb here and guess that that means he probably has a degree in fisheries science; in Tennessee you can't get a job as a fisheries biologist with the state unless you have a degree in fisheries science, and I would guess the same is true in Texas. He's not listed as a cattle agent, or a crops agent, and I doubt TAMU would have a cattle or crops agent write a publication for them on pond management. And he's not just the average joe agent, he's one that TAMU obviously considered enough of an expert to write a publication that they put their name on as their recommendations on the topic of pond management. Unless you think TAMU, which is the university Bob got his degree in fisheries science from, is haphazard enough to allow anyone at all to write a publication for them, I don't see much point in your line of reasoning. I know I'm certainly tired of arguing the point.