My wife and I havd the impression that the posts were made by a young individual under 18 or so that has a true lack of experiance and possibly has english as a second language.

I am horrible with mispelling words and making typos---that didn't bother me too much.

What DID bother me were the many questions asking for advice that were posted as if they were a current problem needing to be addressed and then later revealed to not exist. I sensed a lot of deception but tried hard to give the benefit of the doubt to him.

He obviously has a desire to learn all he can about ponds and the help. The support everyone here has shown me since I registered, but especially this last 18 months, demands that I pay that support forward!

This may sound rather sappy to some, but not only has the tenor, generosity, knowledge, prayers, support, loyalty, etc of 99% members on this forum helped to change my career path, it has changed my life, literally.

I honestly believe every person that reads Or participates in this forum for more than even a few days, comes away a better person and not just infinately more knowledgable about ponds.

Thanks to everyone here!