Originally Posted By: ewest
There is a tendancy in small ponds that HSB don't reach their max size potential but still may get to 8 lbs.

Can you direct me to any studies/info on the "Once they get over that size, they require cooler higher DO waters and die." ?

This is not a test but rather a search on my part to check the data to see for sure about the answer.

I'll look into a scientific study on that. Part of my statement is anecdotal as there are forum members with HSB who hit as you said the 5-8 pound mark and don't get any bigger. While in larger reservoirs where their is a cool water, higher DO refuge they reach the high teens and even low 20's.

HSB's parent's the white and striped bass both have juvenile stages that are far more tolerant of lower DO and higher temps than larger adults of the same species. Perhaps hybrid vigor allows the HSB to be a bit more tolerant of lower DO and higher temps even at larger sizes but only to a certain extent. A 5-8 pound HSB as George said will pull your arm off and fight like a champ, it is far from the maximum size that can be reached... Something is killing the fish before they hit their peak size and I don't think it is just catching them during the summer and over stressing them.