I do a lot of career counseling. To find a path you have to define a goal and that takes internal searching. Lots of people go out, get a job, wind up married, having kids, mortgages and are stuck. The opportunity for self actualization is pretty well gone at that time. As my father used to say, you can take just about any fork in the road and wind up somewhere. In life, we take all kinds of forks. Passions wane and new opportunities challenge us. If you don't pursue what you think you will enjoy, you'll always be miserable.

So, it's up to you to look inward and define a goal instead of just drifting.

A couple of confessions.

1. At dang near 67 YOA, I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

2. My age doesn't bother me but growing up scares the beejeezus out of me.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP