Originally Posted By: Bruce Condello
Rex was at my farm since last night.

He's been randomly shooting things. Last I heard my PVC 12" overflow was in critical condition.

He also ran over my "For Sale" sign. It looked like a bulldozer had smashed it.

Both the For Sale sign and PVC were coming right for me!


IIRC TJ, you asked me to go get the pistol, and Bruce, you were upset I wasn't packing when we ran across the new muskrat digs on your pond.

Ps to TJ, you're muskrat has better flow capacity now!

PS to Bruce, I wouldn't have backed over your sign;

1) If the beautiful Conderosa were not for sale, the silly sign wouldn't have been there in the first place!


2) If you had TOLD me M.J. had permission to fish your pond, I would not have backed up to question him as to why he was there!

Thank you both very much for the hospitality! Need anything else killed or crushed next week?

I wish I could at least say it involved alcohol! I hope someday you'll let me back into Nebraska......Bruce, I also hope you remember that I at least brushed my teeth after eating all your Oreo's before my dental appointment